What burning out really means

Tough assignments, difficult clients, demanding bosses… they are causes of stress at a workplace. However, these factors are common at any workplace. What’s important is how we manage it – either by deflecting, or just accepting and expand our endurance capabilities.

This week has been extremely stressful for me to the point where I recognised that I’m burning out because I’ve been dozing off at work, and I wake up in the morning with the desire at the back of my mind to chuck a sickie. My good friend however, said that more often that not, burning out is a sign of built up resentment, rather than working too much or too long.

If you love what you’re doing, you can do it for hours and feel that an hour was a minute. However, if you dread what you’re doing, a minute can seem like an hour and you can’t wait for time to go. It made me realised that I’ve been frustrated at work – that what I’ve been doing doesn’t seem to be productive and that the effort and rewards don’t weigh up.

We rarely can change the environment, I mean, we can, but it is all superficial, and in a sense just running away from reality. Sure we can run, but we can’t hide – these challenges and resistance occur in all place. What is helpful is changing our mindsets, seeing things from a different perspective and gain a better understanding; or know the reasons why you’re there, make a choice to stay just bite the bullet. Initially, I wanted to write about categories of challenges – mental and physical, spiritual, psychological… but I realised that the only way to tackle all that is just perseverance. Nothing more, nothing less.


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