30 things I learnt before turning 30

This year, I celebrate the arrival of a new decade in life – the big 3-0! Of course, with the change of a decade, it usually inspires one to reflect all that had happened in the past 10 years, especially considering that the twenties are crucial in discovering oneself, learning about how to be a responsible adult and also achieving different milestones.
In my reflection, I thought to highlight 30 things I have learnt by 30, which has been a great advantage to set me up for the next decade in the different areas – health, wealth, career, relationships and spirituality:

1. Eat well – this focuses on quality ingredients and healthy methods of cooking. It doesn’t have to be expensive, but it should be real food. This helps you to digest well and have the energy for the day’s activity.
2. Exercise regularly – while the age may not show on our faces, our body will tell us otherwise when we began to lose strength and flexibility. Exercising regularly keeps the body in shape and also keeps the joints and muscles working!
3. Sleep well – this helps to keep our minds sharp and our energy levels at its optimum
4. Learn how to cook – this helps with eating well and keeping living costs low! It doesn’t have to be masterchef-fancy, just simple preparation that allows you to eat real food.
5. Pay yourself first – by prioritising to save a certain amount before you pay the bills and spend the remaining income, it ensures that you have something for a rainy day.
6. Invest your savings – this creates a passive income and grows your wealth outside your usual work.
7. Make good investments – this may seem costly upfront, but may have long term benefits, such as an education, a good mattress for your back etc. I, for one, was very happy to have done laser eye surgery – I am so grateful to open my eyes and see everything so clearly from the moment I’m awake.
8. Explore your options – it is ok to do many different things if you do not know what you want to specialise in yet
9. Grow your network – Meet people within your industry and outside of it learn how others’ do things and if your place is the norm or the exception. This helps to keep your perspective real and realise that there are some situations which are universal across industries
10. Be part of a community – this can be a common interest, could be friends from the neighbourhood, from work etc… they basically act as a support group and sounding board for whatever you go through in life. It is sharing the moments with people that makes life meaningful.
11. There is always a struggle between personal time, money earned and job satisfaction. Most people usually attain one of the three, some two, but rarely three out of three.
12. If you are unable to find satisfaction in work, there are two options – find another job, or find something interesting to do outside of work – be involved in a community or an activity of interest
13. Each and every job requires its own degree of diligence – it’s a fallacy to think that your job is harder than someone else’s – everyone is fighting their own battles.
14. The grass is greener where you water it – only the grass that has been tended to remains fresh and alive; as long as you water it diligently, it doesn’t really matter which patch of grass you get (yes there are some exceptions, but the idea is that you have to really work on your work/relationship etc… situation for it to have a chance of being great).
15. Be your own advocate – no one is more interested in your learning than you do.
16. Ask good questions – you may seem foolish for that minute, but by not asking, you may remain foolish forever. It also demonstrates your ability to think critically.
17. Be solution focused instead of problem focused – no one likes to be blamed and by keeping your eye on the common goal, it helps to forward the cause easier
18. Control what you can control and let go of what you cannot control – this helps to reduce the stress levels you are facing and opens your mind to other possibilities.
19. Keep in touch with your parents – we are at the age where we probably begin to appreciate them as we gradually step into their shoes through the different milestones – having children, trying to keep the family together etc…
20. Listen to advice from the elderly – as much as they can come unsolicited, they contain wisdom that may come handy later on in life.
21. Keep in touch with friends from different parts of your life – Facebook has made it so much easier to follow on friends’ journeys no matter what part of your life you have met them – it serves as an encouragement too as we know that we are not alone!
22. Be intentional in growing your relationships despite your busy schedule – they are like plants and need tender loving care. Some relationships are not the same as when you last left them!
23. Smiling and kindness are a universal way of connecting with people.
24. Find joy from within – if you derive happiness from the opinion of others’, you will always be disappointed as you can never please everyone. It is about finding contentment in life through the little things, and be able to bounce back quickly from challenges
25. Reflect often – this is to remind yourself that there is always something to be grateful for and you can always improve your situation
26. Learn a new skill – keeps the mind sharp and life more interesting
27. Read a lot, or watch a lot of videos (if you do not have the patience) – grow your knowledge on different topics to make yourself less gullible
28. Be knowledgeable in a topic, or in essence, have a hobby – this makes you an interesting people that people would want to know.
29. Travel if you can – it doesn’t not have to be far or exotic, but enough to push yourself out of your comfort zone, to appreciate others’ lives, and learn that some values are universal regardless of ethnicity, culture or religion.
30. The best years are ahead of you – as you begin to experience the many milestones in life – it could be transiting into the workforce, learning more about yourself, sharing your life with someone, creating a new life, thirties is the time where you begin to improve your quality of life by doing better of what you know works and less or nothing of what you know are detractors.
This year, I am finally back in my hometown where I get to celebrate this milestone with family and friends from different walks of life… I am thankful to have the chance to share this memory surrounded by people who love me, and know that no matter what happens, I am blessed and am looking forward to the new decade ahead!

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